Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Love Never Fails

Love is in the air!  Eagerly pursue and acquire LOVE,  make it your aim,  your great quest!  1 Cor 14:1  says 'go after a life of love as if your life depended on it'!    How is your life reflecting LOVE?  I don't know about you but I want my life to bring colour everyday to myself, my family, friends, neighbors and the wider circle.

Ezekiel 1:28 Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of one speaking.   1 Cor 13: 1 -3,  says, that without love I am nothing and my life will profit me (amount to) nothing.

Recently I became aware of a situation where a young girl was self harming and her friends were protecting her and not sharing the information with adults.  Almost an "Us against Them" situation.   I was troubled about this so went into prayer where the Lord spoke to me that this situation had arisen because there was no love - and its all about LOVE.   LOVE breaks down the barriers and it is the LOVE from our Heavenly Father that removes the barriers in our own lives that we have erected for self preservation.  Self preservation comes about when you've been mistreated, hurt, disinherited, misjudged, abandoned  (anything that gives opportunity for offence to come into in your life)  which then opens the door to unforgiveness and bitterness.

The issues of life come and its what we do with them that matters.  Do we put up barriers or make choices that help us to move forward into victory? What motivates your heart?   Sometimes we don't even know we have erected barriers.  In this season God is saying that we must walk in Love because it is Love that conquers everything.  I had a vision of the Father's love coming in like a tidal wave washing away the barriers that we have put up to protect our hearts.  By erecting barriers in our lives we actually keep out the flow of God from moving in and restoring every area of our lives.   He wants to lavish love on you!  He wants you to know & experience His true nature. He wants you to live in total freedom in who you are by walking in your true identity.

It is only revelation that brings a person's heart to the place where we can recognize that they have erected barriers in their hearts.  How long do we have to forgive?  For the rest of our days.....how long will it take to step out of the place where we're at?   As long as it takes for us to recognize that we have put up barriers in our hearts that have kept us from the Father's love.   I find it also amazing that
God is speaking to us about being liberated from those that have mistreated or misjudged us....but also forgive ourselves for choices that we've made that have put us in a field of pain.

My prayer today is, "Lord bring to remembrance everything that has caused an issue in my heart so I can forgive and be set free".

It's all about LOVE, being LOVE, releasing LOVE,  giving LOVE....which happens because you've experienced the FATHER'S LOVE!  He's the One who changes everything.