Tuesday, 6 September 2016

God is Bigger!

"Strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble and tottering knees.  Say to those who are of a fearful and hasty heart, Be Strong, fear not! Behold your God will come with vengeance; with recompense of God He will come and save you"…Isaiah 35: 3-4 Amplified

Don't let your issues become bigger than God because God is bigger than any issue that you are facing! There's nothing He can't deal with!  Focus on how big God is not on how big the issues are in your life.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Taking the Land

Over the past number of weeks I’ve been ruminating on the story of the Children of Israel and the land of Canaan that God had promised for them in Numbers 13: 2

‘ Send men to explore and scout out for yourselves the land of Canaan,
 which I give to the Israelites’..... Amplified Bible

Twelve scouts went ahead for a 40 day discovery trip to Canaan to see what the land was and whether the people who dwelt there were strong or weak, few or many.  Was the land   fat or lean, whether there was timber on it or not and to bring some of the fruit of the land back with them.

Numbers 13:23 says, ‘they cut down one cluster of grapes and they carried it on a pole between two of them; they also brought pomegranates and figs’.  They had evidence that it was fruitful!

God had already told them it was a land flowing with milk and honey and the grapes they brought back were its fruit. vs 27.

      God promised it and so it was settled - the outcome was certain.

However, ten of the scouts came back with a negative report because they saw through eyes of unbelief.  They saw giants and obstacles instead of thinking about God, His nature and His promise.  I am giving you this land.  Their 40 day scouting trip turned into a 40 year wilderness journey and most of them never saw their promise.  They forfeited their destiny through grumbling, complaining, fear and unbelief.

Caleb who was one of the good scouts came back with a great report and said, ‘Let us go up at once and possess it; we are well able to conquer it!  vs 30
Out of the twelve scouts only Caleb and Joshua went into the promised land because they believed.

As you move into the promises that God has for you don’t let the obstacles in front of you grip your heart and keep you from entering into your destiny. He has equipped you and enabled you to possess it!


Monday, 29 February 2016

Leap Year

I had a dream on the 15th of January ( a little slow I know in getting it out) but nonetheless its the year of the turn around.  The year of recovery, restoration, new levels and leaping into new things! Promises being fulfilled that you've been hanging onto and maybe even those that you've forgotten about!

I had been pondering over the course of a couple of days about the journey. The highs and the lows but this particular time mostly about the lows.  Do you ever do that?  I think the Lord let me mull that over in my mind until He finally stopped me in my tracks and said 'what would have become of you had you  not believed'?  I thought, "wow I don't think I want to know the answer to that".  I promptly ran to look up the rest of that scripture which was Psalm 27:13 ….

What, what would have become of me had I not believed that I would see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living'.  14 Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring.  Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord.  

So if you've been wondering - where is the promise, where is the prophetic word - be filled with great hope that this is the year of the turn around in your life because what would have become of you had you not believed in the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!  This is your leap year!