Tuesday 1 September 2015

Word for Today

Today God is dealing with disappointments of the past and all of the entanglements it brings in the heart.  The 'what ifs', the 'could haves' and the choices that have been made that weren't for your good.  Jesus wants to turn around those disappointments that led to anger, bitterness or any other wound. Instead He will give you a future far more exciting and brighter than you could have ever imagined!

God is outside of time so He's not restricted to our time.  His blessings are for all time and for a thousand generations. Deut 7: 9 'God keeps covenant and steadfast love and mercy with those who love Him and keep His commandments for a thousand generations.'  Jesus is giving a present day and a future full of hope for He is your redeemer.  He restores the years the locusts have eaten. Joel 2:25  "I will restore for you the years the locusts has eaten".  Nothing is impossible or too difficult for Him. Luke 18: 27  "What is impossible with men is possible with God".  Your basket will be filled and overflowing.  Keep the eyes of your heart focused on Him and line upon line He will replace the old with the new!  Nothing is wasted in God's Kingdom.  He is opening wide the gates of favour and blessings to restore everything that has been lost or stolen!

1 Corinthians 2:9 “Eye has not seen , nor ear heard and has not entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him"....

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Meantime makes the big time

I had an email sent to me on the weekend by my good friend who said she'd read the headlines of the paper on Saturday and thought of me because she knew I'd been given a word about the 'meantime'.  Meantime makes the big time….

 That meantime word I posted was 20 months ago and I'd be lying if I said the "meantime" was a piece of cake and we've sailed through with flying colours waiting for God's promises!  No instead there have been many challenges and I know so many others that have experienced unbelievable testings.  I'm not talking about religion here. We've had to keep the focus on God's word and His promises towards us and be in a place of military peace - not letting anything or anyone disrupt what we knew in our hearts He was saying.   So when my friend sent this picture and word I knew it was also for many of you who have been waiting on the Lord in your meantime to see the breakthrough of your calling and destiny.  Calling is one thing but cultivating your calling is quite another.  Its just like God to give a word and to bring it all back to our attention about what He's doing. After all He is the author and finisher of our faith.
Many of you have grown faint and some have even given up and decided the pain wasn't worth it.  Unbelief has come in and even to the point well if its this hard than it can't possibly be correct.

                                                                IT IS WORTH IT!

Then today I was drawn to a scripture in 2 Kings 7.  There had been such a great famine in the land and Elisha was bringing a word prophesying what God was about to do.

1. Then Elisha said, Hear the word of the Lord.  Thus says the Lord: Tomorrow about this time a measure of fine flour will sell for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria! (in other words food was going to be available and cheap)

2 Then the captain on whose hand the King leaned answered the man of God and said,  If the Lord should make windows in heaven, could this thing be?  But Elisha said,  You shall see it with your own eyes, but you shall not eat of it.   (Amplified bible)

This Captain couldn't lift his eyes from the natural things because they were so bad.  There was famine in the land that was so great even to the point where people were resorting to cannibalism!  Read chapter 6.  Crazy stuff!  The Captain allowed the oppressive reality of his present circumstances to be dominant in his mind and he was filled with doubt and unbelief.   Nothing that they had done had made things better and he couldn't imagine a way out.  He left no room for God.  As a result, he would miss the very thing that God was about to release.

The very next day breakthrough came suddenly in a miraculous way as God caused the army that was besieging them to flee leaving all of their valuables behind. Gold, silver, clothing, food and more.  The Captain was trampled to death by the people as the prophet Elisha had declared.

Who do we want to be like?  The Captain who couldn't see beyond his circumstances or do you want to listen to the prophet speaking success over your destiny?  Start prophesying over your destiny today. Your meantime is about to breakthrough big time!  In this year of Jubilee it is time for restoration!