Wednesday, 25 September 2013


I was pondering a few things the other day when I got a call from someone who said: 'I've got a word from the Lord for you and its literally one word.... "meantime''.  Yup just one word.

     Definition of  'meantime or meanwhile' - during or in the intervening time;  meanwhile,  life goes on

Then a couple of days later whilst walking down a lane we came across a lorry with 3 large barrels and 1 of the barrels had in BIG BOLD letters the word MEANTIME.  I was so surprised and immediately remembered my meantime word and thought, what are the chances to get a specific word and then a few days later to find it written tangibly on a huge barrel in a lane near your house!  What is God saying to me about "meanwhile" or "meantime"?

It speaks to us directly about what we are supposed to do in the interim between the release of our dream, destiny and calling and its fulfilment.  After searching for the word I found a number of scriptures that pertained to meantime or meanwhile and without fail they all referred to the place where you have heard the word of the Lord about something you're called to do BUT BEFORE the fulfilment of that dream or calling:  Getting on with life in the meantime season.   This includes our actions of obedience or disobedience and our walk of faith.  This is the meantime between the Word of the Lord for our life and its fulfilment.  How do I keep a great spirit in the meantime and be obedient to what God asks me to do?

The word about your future may come in any number of ways;  a dream,  a Rhema word,  the prophetic,  still small voice of the Holy Spirit.  Then the meantime season is how we respond and what  our actions are in the period between the giving of the word and receiving the fulfilment!  It's about having the right spirit:  its also about knowing the times and seasons.  We live in a society where its instant gratification and all about me and wanting things to happen now.  But actually sometimes there is a testing, a weighing of the heart especially if there is a divine purpose.   It reminds me of a dream I had in August where I was given a math test and I didn't much like it but it prepared me.   If God calls us to a particular work do we wait for his provision or run ahead in our own strength trying to put it all together?  There are alignments and connections that God puts together in order to move us into the place we need to be.

 One of the stories that speaks to me is the story of Joshua.  Along with the children of Israel and after 40 years in the desert being fed by manna, they finally crossed over into the promised land.  The word says that they ate the fruit of the land in that year and the manna stopped.  They didn't go rushing to take Jericho but waited and then Joshua went up to the walls of Jericho and inquired of the Lord because they needed to know what to do.  Inside those walls was their inheritance and the spoils to which are the promises of God for which they had been believing for.  Their strategy had to come from the Lord and we know what happened,  the Jericho walls came down when Joshua carried out the strategy from the Lord by walking around the walls.

You may have heard the word and run off and done some things that haven't worked out and created some 'Ishmael's'  ( a big mess that was created by Abraham when he tried to sort out his promise)  Don't be under condemnation but be quick to repent and enquire of the Lord in how you proceed and what do you do in your 'meantime'.  I believe that the body of Christ is standing in front of their Jericho and waiting for the imminent word that will show them how to take it out.  Be encouraged we are in a season of breakthroughs,  miracles and encounters.  God is going to show himself real!   Deut 28:2  And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you if you heed the voice of the Lord your God.

I love this story because it encourages us in 'our meantime'  that God always comes through.  If you find that you're in that place of the meantime yourself, what do you do?  When you have the word of the Lord about your purpose in life then its up to Him to bring the word of direction to bring about its fulfilment in your life.  


  1. God is so good!! Thank you, I am stirred after reading your post. : ) It speaks much to me!!

  2. Christopher and I both love your post. We found it very encouraging!! ( :
    Love you
