On the 7th of June I had a prophetic dream which had a powerful impact on me. In the dream I was on this ship during a storm where the sea was very rough. I was walking across some of the deck walkways with protection around me and I could see that the waters were very deep and yet I was not afraid. At one point the ship was encountering heavy seas and water was crashing over the bow.
I was inside the ship in a room with a lot of other people when I made a call to prayer as I knew we were in a battle. I felt these people were all Christians but not all of them really BELIEVED that they could be rescued. We immediately left the bow and moved to another place in the ship. There was a worship band behind me and God instructed that we were to continuously pray - - where one started and finished then another was to begin. A woman started to pray but I couldn't hear her so I told her to get a microphone which was immediately with her. I prayed for the Captain of the Ship called Alexander (which means, defender of the men; brave). Then SUDDENLY we were safely onshore.
EPH 6:18 Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. To that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the saints (God’s consecrated people).
IS 40:31 But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.
This dream reminded me of the story where the disciples were in the boat with Jesus and he was sleeping and they became afraid (Matthew 8:24). They quickly woke Him up and He rebuked the storm. He also rebuked them for not learning the lessons of believing. Are you a believer or an unbeliever? Is your expectation that God will rescue you or is your expectation that the enemy's plan is coming to pass. Don't let fear grip your heart. In a way both categories of Christians are still believing. Unbelieving Christians believe in the storm and its power to take them out and indeed empower it to do so. Believing Christians believe that God's Word and will is true and that He will bless them. Which are you empowering today?
There are things that He has spoken to you about your future, that He's put in your heart which you haven't seen come to fruition. Things that you know are the will of God but you can't understand why they haven't come to pass yet. He is going to do it quicker than you think. He's not going to do it by your works or ingenuity but by His righteousness!
I believe that God is speaking to us that we are in a season of SUDDENLIES and MIRACLES. We are in a battle and in a storm and he is saying to look to Him in continuous prayer with worship. And not just prayer! It has to be amplified. It has to speak into the atmosphere louder than the problems clanging for our attention. Sometimes the problems seem to be speaking VERY LOUDLY and in the natural your situation may seem hopeless and daunting. But I believe that Jesus is saying that this is a call to prayer NOW. Be a believer and a worshipper and decree into the storm of your life the promises of God for you. These promises are YES and AMEN! Jesus is our defender and our rescuer. Nothing is too difficult for Him. Nothing is impossible to them that believe!
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